Wednesday, May 18, 2022

King Of The Wild Frontier

(aka Davy Crockett iconography you might see in Ozona, TX)
"Be always sure you are right - then go ahead."
 "You may go to hell, I am going to Texas." 
  --David Crockett
We don't have our copy of Bob Thompson's Born On a Mountaintop handy, so it's hard to say whether Davy actually visited Ozona during his time in Texas. Nevertheless, the good people of the area chose to honor Davy by naming their county after him in 1875. 


Parm said...

That illustration of the guy (Davy?) on the Almanak shows a chap appearing to suspend a barrel from, well, his private region? I am not recalling any actual or fanciful anecdotes about the historical figure that would correspond to such an achievement?

Willard "DC" Biscuit said...

The Davy Crockett Almanacks of the 1840s were sort of the action comix of their day, full of tall tales and fantastic imagery. One of the drawings I like shows Davy riding the backs of a couple of harnessed alligators.