Authorities stated that it was just a fluke accident, and added that it was a minor miracle that no one was krilled.
TSG couldn't help thinking that there was some kind of intent in the cetacean's action. After all, man's relationship with earth's largest mammals hasn't been a good one. Was the beast making a statement? Of course, we'll never know, but the incident was fortuitous in that it dovetailed nicely with our recent visit to Point Lobos State Reserve.
From 1862 until 1879, the Carmel Bay Whaling Company was operated by a group of Portuguese fisherman. The Whaling Station Museum has a nice collection of artifacts on display from the 300-man operation.

The small museum has a impressive collection; from the harpoons to the implements that sliced off the whale's flesh to the blubber melting pots, the visitor gets a good idea of what life was like for the men who made a living hunting the giants of the deep.
TSG has always tried to present a uniquely a-political spin in our blogposts, but we must admit that we come down squarely on the "anti-" side of the ongoing whale hunting debate. Some may be surprised that we would take such a firm stand on such a sensitive international issue. But don't worry...we won't make Ahab-it of it.