Saturday, April 24, 2021

Apparently Sandhill Cranes Have The Right Of Way Here

At least they act that way in Arcadia Florida


Friday, April 23, 2021

Words To Live By

TSG has highlighted the pertinent text for those considering excursions into swampy locales.


Thursday, April 22, 2021

Dali Nay, Beatles Yay

 As is our wont while on the road, TSG often makes up the day's itinerary in the morning while having coffee and munching on something from the hotel's breakfast offerings. Today's main event was supposed to be the Dali Museum in St. Petersburg. Navigating over to the webpage, we were dismayed to discover that the Museum was closed because the site was inaccessible due to preparations for this weekend's Grand Prix Race.

That was kind of a drag, but in searching for alternatives, we discovered something just as interesting: the Penny Lane Beatles Museum, literally 3 blocks away from our hotel in Dunedin. 

Dunedin resident Colin Bissett, a Liverpudlian by birth, has a fab gallery of items from his personal collection on display, and it ended up being more than a worthy substitute for a visit Salvador's Museum  (As it turned out, our lodging in St Petersburg tonight is on Dali Boulevard- a small consolation, we suppose)

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Marina Manatees

Truth be told, Manatees are kinda boring when you get right down to it. However, seeing them munching away just outside our hotel in the Dunedin Yacht Harbor was pretty cool. 

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Gator Gazing

Slightly more than 48 hours into our visit to the Sunshine State, TSG came across these young alligators hauled up on stray bit of lumber.

What was a bit unusual about this particular sighting was their choice of basking spot--in the otherwise empty pool of Inglis Lock, a remnant of the failed cross-Florida Barge Canal project of the 1960s.


Monday, April 19, 2021

Staten Island Ferries in...Port St. Joe?

 Taking a lunch break on the waterfront of Port St. Joe, TSG was surprised to see the newest Staten Island Ferries, the Sandy Ground and Michael H. Ollis being prepped for delivery to The Big Apple.


Sunday, April 18, 2021

From California To The Gulf Stream Waters

Greetings From Henderson State Beach Florida!