Friday, July 18, 2014

Not An A-Hole

So, the other day TSG was taking out the trash and noticed what appeared to be drill holes (and a corresponding pile of  sawdust) in the crook of one of "our" trees:

Upon closer inspection, the sawdust was, yes, really sawdust, and there was yet another hole in a slightly less conspicuous spot. We wondered who the heck would be drilling random holes in the landscaping when suddenly a large black carpenter bee buzzed out at us. Ah! Mystery solved!

The bee buzzed around a bit and then went to work on the hole, chewing the wood and pushing out sawdust behind. We rushed upstairs to grab a camera, came back and were all ready to shoot a video of the insect, but were foiled by a dead battery.  By the time we ran back upstairs and returned, all we could get was a marginal shot of the bee peeking out of it's little bee hole.