Friday, April 29, 2022

Taking A Dip With The Alligator Gars @ Blue Spring State Park


Parm said...

Nice.You found a spot to get naturally moist without also being in the sun. As for your swimming companions, when's feeding time?

W. "Jeremy Wade" Biscuit said...

I must admit to a little trepidation when I got ready to share the water with those guys. They were pretty decent-sized specimens. But frankly they aren't any more of a threat than the leopard sharks I've swum with at La Jolla Shores. (Leopard sharks actually avoid human contact and aren't scary at all...the thing you have to worry about at La Jolla is the stingrays.)

Of course, as noted earlier there's always the aspect of an alligator making an appearance, but the State Parks folks seemed to have the risk assessment well sussed out and I trust their judgement when choosing which springs to immerse myself in.