Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Harbor Seal Beach Club

 Un-named cove between Fern Grotto and Sand Plant Beach
Wilder Ranch State Park CA


No name Parm said...

I like this pic. I like the place it is a picture of, too.

Seems to be quite off the beaten path, too. Wondering if not naming the place is purposeful, as without a name, people perhaps can't plan to go there.

W. "Beachcomber" Biscuit said...

Even though the trail goes all the way around the cove, the beach area is inaccessible as far as I can tell. There are a couple of paths to the very edge of the bluffs but it's close to a 20ft near-vertical drop from there. As much as I'd like to get some photos from a seal's eye* perspective of the place, I'm glad the topography ensures they won't be disturbed by the hiking public.

*Despite the prohibition on flying drones in Wilder Ranch,There are some coastal fly-by videos that give bird's eye view of the coastline and the cove.