Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Please Be Seated


Sitting, not squatting, Parm said...

TSG, I have a growing concern regarding your choice of material. (Ha! Good one!)

Actually, this was oddly compelling. Seeing various places through the lens of butt-supporting apparatuses was quite excellent.

So, well done. You have won the coveted Chairperson of Bloggers title. (Ha! Another good one!)

W. "Take a load off" Biscuit said...

The thumbnail pic of the King Cobra exhibit is a favorite of mine, but I had mixed feelings about the place (the Rattlesnake & Venom Museum near OKC). On paper (well, on the internet, actually) it looked like my kind of roadside attraction, but in reality it was dismal and kind of depressing. I won't go into details but I will say I was happy to learn the city closed it down last year.