Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Shades Of Keith Moon

Any Who fan is familiar with the legend that Moonie's 21st birthday celebration ended with him driving a car into a hotel swimming pool. That story may or may not be true, but the event was re-created today at Hermitage Arms. 

Driver was shaken up but otherwise okay. Fingers crossed that this doesn't mean the end of swimming for the summer. 


Parm said...

That's not a good look. Gotta get that car out of there, and get that fence out of there, and get another barrier temporarily or permanently put in place to comply with local laws and codes, and make sure the water isn't befouled with one or more automotive fluids. I'm guessing the driver might well have befouled themselves upon accomplishing this feat, but perhaps not in such volumes as to overwhelm the pool's filtering capabilities.

The lawyer in me wonders if litigious tenants might have a right to sue for loss of pool access? Heck, people sue for everything else under the sun. Or under the moon. (You know, to bring this discussion back around to where things started.)

Willard "Willard "Not going swimmingly" Biscuit said...

They got the car out pretty quickly--looking at the timestamps on my images, it was about 2.5 hours from splashdown to the car being hauled away. I would think whatever hazardous material regulations that happen to be in effect would require the pool be drained/cleaned, but who knows. Some random googling indicates pools should be drained and cleaned every 5-7 years or so anyway to prevent buildup of dissolved solids.

Assuming the driver had insurance I guess they would be on the hook for all the expenses involved...including the cost of water for refilling? As far as "loss of pool access" goes, except for really hot days or when tenants have relatives with kids over, I am the only one who uses the pool on any kind of regular basis. I swim laps at least every other day, and since the season only lasts for another 7 weeks or so, I'm anxious to see repair and recovery efforts get under way ASAP.