Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Q: What Do All Of These Have In Common?

 Answer: none of them have a friggin' car in it. 

(Posted in a pique, still waiting for remediation work to be scheduled)


Parm said...

Funny, my answer was going to be: "Presuming the answer isn't weird, like, they've all had a car driven into them, or trivial, like, they're all wet, it must be that TSG has dipped a toe or more into each."

W. "Half-Gainer" Biscuit said...

I dipped a toe (well, more than a toe) in most of them, but looking at the pics now I notice that only one of the pools has a diving board. I'd be surprised if there were even a handful of hotel pools with diving boards any more. Even on the Florida portion of my trip I only encountered the diving tower at Wakulla Springs, which didn't have a springboard. I imagine that someday kids will point at a photo and ask their parents what the thing sticking out over the deep end of a pool was used for. Oh well...

Parm said...

Closing my eyes for a moment, and just thinking "diving boards," I have a series of genuine recalled moments and sensations involving DB's. Jumping off them (including the ever popular cannonball). Actually "diving" off them. Hanging from them. Yelling loudly whilst doing any of the foregoing. "You can never go home again" now includes revisiting a favorite diving board of one's youth, I guess.