Friday, October 9, 2020

Not A Snappy Answer In Sight

TSG was mightily disappointed not to see his favorite MAD paperback amongst the titles for sale at the Pirate's Plunder Antique Mall Bookstall in Newport OR


Parm said...

You have a favorite MAD paperback?

I have essentially all of my MAD magazines from the late 60's-early 70's still. Man From UNCLE. Star Trek. Cool Hand Luke. Haven't pulled any out to read for years, certainly not since we moved 6 years ago. I'll put it on my bucket list to re-read those things.

And I still have a few MAD paperbacks. Never did have too many. I also have the entire Man From UNCLE paperback collection, and the Get Smart Series too. Not really sure why I hang on to these things when I've shed so many other artifacts from my past.

So, OK, I have to ask. What IS your favorite MAD paperback?

What me worry Biscuit said...

Oh, yes, Snappy Answers To Stupid Questions is my all time favorite, especially the final entry where the executioner pulls the switch on the smart-mouthed condemned prisoner, saying "It's about time you scofflaws got what you deserved!" ZAP!

Parm said...
