Thursday, October 8, 2020

"B" Things, The Sequel

 Beetle, more Beatles, Bernadette and a Batstache


Parm said...

That's a nice assortment of "B" thingies, notwithstanding the absence of anything a la "Beeman."

That Beetle game looks a lot like the Cootie game I remember from my early years. I wonder which came first, and who is ripping off whom?

Willard "Cootie Pie" Biscuit said...

I saw that box in an antique shop and said to myself, "Hey that looks like a Cootie! "Apparently the Beetle game was originally a British parlour/drawing game that migrated across the pond and got renamed/rebranded as the table-top Cootie Game

Parm said...

I was actually inspired by this original post to hunt down a modern Beetle game and purchase it for our granddaughter. I looked at the reviews for the still-available Cootie game, and the Beetle game appeared to be built with better quality control standards.