Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Pacific Pachyderm

(aka: the Sea Elephant)
Seen at the Dana Point Yacht Club
 Artist Laura Seeley's "Sea The Point"


Humpback Parm said...

I like these art efforts where artists paint some animal statute in their own inimitable style. Choosing an elephant as the animal is bold on the one hand and, well, elephantine on the other (complicated logistics of lugging the thing around and just getting enough paint to get the job done). This pic shows a delightful entry IMHO. Painting one gigantic marine animal atop a gigantic land animal is very cool and especially so when done so well. Thanks for sharing the pic TSG.

yawndave said...

One of the things I found interesting when perusing the different designs of the 2013 event was the most boring design (to me, anyway) was by one of the most famous "artist"--Jasmine by Khloe Kardasian