Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Only You...

If you ever find yourself in Capitan, New Mexico, be sure to stop in at Smokey Bear Historical Park!



Parm said...

Smokey was a big thing when I was growing up. Lots of good memorabilia there. Somewhere, boxed away, I have a large hardcover kids book about Smokey.

Which makes me wonder - how's come, in the 60's, there was never a stop-motion TV special about Smokey? Not even a "Smokey Saves Christmas" special.

Anonymous W. "Fire In The Hole" Biscuit said...

Yeah, you'd think he'd be a good candidate for a Rankin-Bass special along the lines of the Rudolph Xmas offering. I guess he didn't have quite the cachet (or marketing potential) as the gang from the North Pole.

I sort of came across this place by accident on my way from ABQ to Carlsbad. As the pictures show, they had an impressive collection of Smokey ephemera. The one bit of trivia that surprised me was they felt the need to bury him on the sly because they feared someone would steal the body.