Saturday, July 8, 2023

Sunset On The Ohio ≈ Mile 800



Parm said...

Kinda looks like dot-dot-dash-dash to me, which in Morse code is . . . nothing. Means nothing. Now, dot-dot-dash would be "U,' and dot-dot-dash-dot would be "F," but dot-dot-dash-dash means zip.

So, obviously this is the tip of a huge conspiracy theory iceberg . . . .

W. "Barge In" Biscuit said...

Hmmm...not sure if you're referring to the "≈" in the post title, but my intention in using the "approximately equal to" symbol was to vaguely indicate the river mile marker where the scene was taking place.

Parm said...

No, I'm quite familiar with the equation symbol. I am referring to what I see in those red-colored clouds.