Friday, June 10, 2022

No Danger Of Frostbite

Came across this wayward package in the driveway today. On closer inspection, we noticed the warning label...

 Considering it had obviously been sitting on the pavement for awhile and the ambient air temperature was about 100 degrees, we figured the likelihood of getting freezer-burned fingers was pretty slim. Yep, it was just an empty paper bag with maybe a teeny-weeny, itsy-bitsy trace of CO2 left inside.

1 comment:

Parm said...

While hiking backish country in Wyoming (OK, most of Wyoming IS "backish country"), I came across a paper-wrapped package smack in the middle of the trail, basically in the middle of nowhere. It's label proclaimed it to contain some beef meat of some kind. And the wrapping did look like a professional butcher's wrapping job.

I guess that Wyoming wanderer eventually made it, years later, to San Jose.

The Johnny Appleseed of wrapped packages.