Saturday, May 7, 2022

Tons O' Knees, No Manatees

It's a little late in the year to see the eponymous critters at Manatee Springs State Park--they head out to the gulf as soon as the water warms up. 

But their absence didn't bother us as there are a boatload (so to speak) of healthy cypress trees and their attendant knees on hand to appreciate. The setting is quite reminiscent of the defunct "classic" Florida attraction, The Tom Gaskins Cypress Knee Museum.



PS: park management has thoughtfully provided a manatee mock-up of sorts to keep visitors from going home empty-handed in the (frankly pretty darn boring) aquatic mammal sighting department. 


1 comment:

Parm said...

Yeah, I've seen those critters in their natural habitat, and it's about as exciting as watching a beach log rolling softly in the surf. Not that they don't have a kind of majestic presence nevertheless.

As for those knees, that's a new one on me. Somehow got to this stage in life without once becoming aware of that. Go figure.

(Those knees kind of remind me of the piles/stacks of rocks that folks construct at sites that feature looks of smooth rocks.)