Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Sticker Wall / Joshua Tree Saloon Bar & Grill


Parm said...

I actually kind of like stickers. Remember, perhaps, the Man From UGH stickers that were around a short time in the 60's, riffing on the popularity of Man From UNCLE? Some stickers were just the epitome of cool to me. Others, much more lame and pedestrian.

Glad to see that Monkees sticker getting attention in the center of this sticker universe. That said, if it hadn't said "Monkees," I would not have recognized them from those shabby caricatures.

yawndave said...

Can't say I remember the Man From UGH sticker. At the time I was kind of an U.N.C.L.E. purist and probably considered them beneath my notice.

In regards to stickers in general, I'm inspired to possibly create a Shouting Grasshopper sticker so that I can add my mark to these kind of displays.

Parm said...

I highly and enthusiastically second you motion to procure some TSG stickers. Provided, of course, that you at least offer one as a prize of some sort for some future competition.

Remember my travel guitar with all of its stickers from places its been (and it's fabric gig bag which sports patches, again from places its been)?