Friday, May 14, 2021

WTF??? (And Testing 1,2,3...)

 Something screwy is going on, not sure if this will be viewable, but what the heck. Somehow google has/had the blog pegged as deceptive or as a phishing vector of some type. After several hours of fruitless searching around for an answer, and submitting what we figured would be a useless report to google support, We were at our wit's end, and frankly quite distraught over the aspect of losing over a decade's worth of content.

Was the blog hacked somehow? Possible, but TSG is pretty security conscious when we're on the road, always using a VPN when posting from hotel wifi networks. Did someone hijack the blog site? Maybe, but there's no way we could figure that out with the resources at hand. The only thing we could think of was an image on the last post--the one of the cracked bridge support beam, which was copied from a news website.  So, we deleted the whole post.* That seemed to fix the google warning that we were getting, but who knows if that's a permanent fix.

So here's a test post. Fingers crossed. 

 * Well,  after getting an email from the blogger team, it seems that they were the ones who deleted the post for a "violation of community guidelines". How weird.  It would be nice to have all the content backed up, but of course we never expected any of our posts to get blacklisted.

And, for future reference if the original blog goes kablooie, TSG has created "The New Shouting Grasshopper" ( where we will (quite dejectedly) attempt to carry on if necessary. 

1 comment:

Parm said...

My, that's what I call a bumper crop. (Har)

So, did the original artist paint those vehicles before planting them, or just after planting them, or have subsequent viewers become co-artists in the whole enterprise by adding their own artistic embellishments well after the fact?

And, hey, everything seemed to be working fine, technically speaking.