Saturday, April 17, 2021

Fill In The Blank As You See Fit

Seen in the Best Western parking lot, Daphne AL

(blank fill-in space photoshopped in for your convenience)




1 comment:

Parm said...

Driving that around is just begging for someone to grab their Sharpie (or their key) and scribe either an extolling or a damning completion of the statement.

All politics aside (as much as possible), I can imagine the commentary coming from that backseat driver - "This is the greatest drive to the grocery store in our nation's history. I've repaired more potholes on this road than any other person. I'd have my own driver's license if the deep-state scoundrels at the DMV hadn't cheated by making me attempt parallel parking; in the good old days there was no "parallel parking."