Monday, September 28, 2020

Thing You Might See In A Walmart Parking Lot...

...and be mightily surprised:

A Lamborghini Diablo (they go for at least $250K...and that's a cheap one)
Perhaps the owner shops at Wallyworld to save money so he can afford the finer things in life?


Parm said...

Given the vehicle's color, I'd guess "she" over "he," but ya never know. Nothing wrong with a dude sporting around in his pink car. Beyond that, I have long ceased being surprised at anything I might see in or around a WM. While no doubt anchored by shoppers of more modest means, their offerings are so vast (especially in comparison to what else might be available locally) that it's the big box that attracts all manner of social strata.

W. "Vroom Vroom" Biscuit said...

In "real life" the car was your typical sports car red, more accurately rendered in the lower right photo. The pinkish-ness of the top image is due to overzealous photoshop lightening on my part. And, by the way, the driver was a dude. I was just a little late pullng out my phone, otherwise I could have got pics with the "scissor" door open on the driver's side.

Oh, by the way, I wasn't the only one taking pics of the Lambo...there were a couple of other car aficionados nearby trying to get a photo as well.