Friday, September 25, 2020


TSG visits "Pando", the world's largest aspen tree clone, which covers an area well over 100 acres.



Dendroid-oid-oid Parm said...

Pretty time of year to visit there. And, yeah, weird plant; the aspen(s?) in our yard constantly send out new prototrees that grow quite vigorously. Ignore them for a single season and you suddenly have recognizable trees where once there were none. I'm mildly surprised that the Qanon folks haven't wrapped such a weird botanical thing into their conspiracy theory.

W. "Joyce Kilmer" Biscuit said...

The good/bad thing about Pando is there isn't an established tourist/interpretive kiosk/trail. Good because the lack of such infrastructure keeps it from getting over used/trashed, but bad because you can't really get into the main body of it to soak up the vibe of such a unique living entity.