Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Más Animales, Or The Meese Of The Gros Ventre Campground

During one of our early visits to the Jackson Hole area, we got to hang out with a couple of rather large bull Moose who frequent the campground just down the road from the Tetons. It's a little disconcerting to exit your tent in the morning and see these guy wandering around just a couple of yards away.


Rocket J. Parm said...

Holy crap. I'd consider that considerably more than "disconcerting." More like, say, terrifying. It would appear that these two were not of the "mean and troublesome" school of thought, and that's good. Cuz, you know, you're still around to share the pictures.

Just great photographs, by the way. Wow.

W. "Nice Racks!" Biscuit said...

When I checked in I asked the ranger where I might to to see moose, and was directed to the back of the campground along the river where "a couple of them usually hang out there".

Sure enough, those two were lounging amongst the willows and I was able to climb up above them on the riverbank for a good viewing spot and to get a few pics.

Little did I know that the pair would mosey over and wander around the campground sites in the evening and the following morning. Let me tell ya, nothing brings home the size of a moose more than when it stands next to--and towers over--a VW bug!