Wednesday, June 24, 2020

The LARC XV* Amphibious Cargo Vehicle

*Lighter, Amphibious Resupply, Cargo, 15 ton
TSG encounted this 60s military surplus hardware along Rt 66 in Barstow. If one were so inclined, you could catch a ride on a working "Wash Monster" from Searles Seatours in the English seaside town of Hunstaton.


Keep on Truckin' Parm said...

Jeepers. (A kinda, sorta pun.) Guessing they didn't make too many of those? Not cuz it's useless (no idea about that one way or the other) but cuz I've never seen one before. U.S. made, or is that perhaps of foreign origin?

W. "Having a LARC" Biscuit said...

I couldn't come up with much info on LARCs, but it seems that they came in five, fifteen and sixty-ton versions. According to my sources there were only 100 XV models made. I came across one for sale on a war surplus website for $60,000. Not sure if that's above or below blue book.

Parm said...

Pretty sure the original warranty won't transfer to a new buyer.