Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Home Of The Bat Boy?*, Part I

*The Weekly World News clippings prominently displayed
at Lost World Caverns would have visitors believe that Bat Boy was found there. 
However, our research has found conflicting information indicating 
he was discovered in Hell Hole Cave, over 100 miles away.

The truth is down there...somewhere, and TSG will get back to you
when we find it.


Bat Parm said...

OMG. I so remember seeing those Bat Boy pictures and stories luridly screaming from the front pages of the National Enquirer while standing in line at the grocery store. How amusing.

I really like that curving downward ramp/staircase. Looks like something Elon Musk might have ginned up as a science project in high school.

yawndave said...

The coolest part of visiting this cave was that I had it entirely to myself for almost an hour. Quite a contrast from the wedge-fest that was Ruby Falls.