Thursday, October 10, 2019

Ruby Falls X 4

If you're willing to put up with an hour's worth of homespun cave humor, the crowds* and the now-inevitable tourist portrait attempt, the namesake falls is absolutely worth a visit. One of the more impressive cave formations we've seen. 

*there must have been at least a couple hundred folks
 in 4 or 5 tour groups spread throughout
 the cave when we were down there


Parm said...

Been there. Done that. And I'd do it again. Some things can withstand all the goofiness that humankind bestows upon them.

W. "Cavern Club" Biscuit said...

Yeah, I was second guessing my decision early on as the tour guide started asking every member of our party where they were from prior to leading us into the tourist photo area and again as we passed several school groups en route to the big room with the falls. As you suggest, the falls, even with all the tourist trappings, proved to be well worth visiting.