Friday, September 20, 2019

Household Fly Times...A Whole Bunch

To say there is a fly problem in Ness, KS would be a major understatement. Driving through town with your windows open is not recommended. The woman behind the (very prudently) screened order window at the Frigid Creme* said the flycatchers on the outside counter had been put out the day before. Yikes!

*note that the infestation was not localized to the Frigid Creme, and
they make a great chocolate malt, btw

1 comment:

Parm said...

Cripes. That goes way, way beyond "Household Fly," I think. Closer to some Alfred Hitchcock wannabe movie, maybe. Ugh. How appetizing. I admit, it is more appetizing than eschewing the use of fly strips and just letting the little beggars have their way with everyone's food. (Nice sports-themed totem poles, by the way.)