Saturday, August 17, 2013

You'd Better Watch Your Step...

...when you're wandering around old outbuildings and taking pictures of random junk on windowsills...

Take a close look at the bottom corner of the building, in between the garbage can and the pail... can imagine TSG's surprise when our little friend here gave us a courtesy rattle. Thanks for that, and thanks for not biting even though we almost stepped on you.

And here's this week's bonus nature photo--taken just a few minutes ago, this guy (Cooper's hawk?) was quite upset by the plastic owl we have on the front porch. He must have spent 20 minutes trying to scare that fake owl away before finally giving up.


"Snake eyes" Parm said...

An excellent montage! Very nice snake shot, but I love the bonus shot of the hawk.

W. "Hawkman" Biscuit said...

That Cooper's Hawk is the talk of the complex. A lot of tenants have bird feeders, making the place a prime source of raptor treats. Of course the people who love their sparrows, finches, etc are aghast that a predator would have the gall to swoop in and make a meal of their cute little birdies.

Oh well. As KV would say, so it goes.

Parm said...

You need to simply explain, that's why they're called "bird feeders."