Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Let's Just (Not) Face It

They might be considered relics from pre-selfie days, but photo stand-ins can still be found on highways and byways across the land. Many of the examples presented here are from Connie's Photo Park, a neat little roadside attraction in Madrid, New Mexico. 

Keep an eye out for a couple of celebrity photo stand-in standees. 


Parm said...

That's an amusing thing. I still see these opportunities around; I don't think they are passe, notwithstanding they usually aren't very suitable for selfies (at least, not without a selfie stick).

All of this got me to thinking, however, about how one of these missing-face things would work with Engleknot Face?

W. "Say cheese!" Biscut said...

Assuming you mean how would an Engleknot Face photo stand-in work, I suppose the cutout would be for the body instead of the head. Not sure how much business it would attract.

On the other hand, I have to wonder if Engleknot would have trouble fitting his countenance into a "normal" sized face hole.

Parm said...

My, both of those thoughts are creepy for sure.