Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Santa Clauses Are Coming To Town

Can one have too many Santas? In this case the answer is probably yes. 


Parm said...

This feels like the training corpus for an AI being trained to recognize "Santa Claus" images.

Once in a while,in a short sequence for two to four pix, the eyes of the Santa's would be more or less in the same place, but the"Santa" would be changing. A kind of ho ho ho morphing effect.

W. "On Dasher, on Dancer...oh well, you know the rest" Biscuit said...

Re: using AI -- That's pretty much how I did it. I compiled most of the images by pulling up my Google photo archive and searching for "Santa Claus". I got close to 300 matches. I had to weed out quite a few non-Santas (including various monkeys, pirates, dogs, cats, moose, bears, decorated trees, random guys with white beards, etc), but the search tool worked pretty well. As far as the sequence of images with eyes in the same general place, that's probably more a combination of how I cropped the image and how the "auto pan & zoom" feature works on Windows Movie Maker.