Thursday, August 31, 2023

Ride 'Em (Jurassic) Cowboy

 Fetching bit o' yard art on sale at the Wyoming Dinosaur Center 
(Located, appropriately enough, on Carter Ranch Road)


Parm said...

Just a bit north-east, I hear, from Carter's Crater.

That yard art probably can only be found in Wyoming.

yawndave said...

Carter's Crater, eh? Any relation to Judge Crater? Actually I tried to capture as many Carter-named spots on the trip as fodder for a future blog post. I don't know how many I ended up with, but I know I missed quite a few due to not being quick enough grabbing the camera for a drive-by shot.

Parm said...

Looking forwars to that future posting to see what you did find.

My namesake locales are few and farbetween. There is a small gulch in Colorado that bears my surname, and there is a small town in S. Dakota (pop ~600). The later was originally named "Cut Meat" (Wósoso in Lakota-ese) but then renamed as represented by a pioneer of the same moniker.