Saturday, June 17, 2023

G.O.G.* Strikes Again

*Good Ol' Google 
 We received an email this week regarding our "Google Album Archive" with the following slightly alarming (but at the same time, kind of vague) notification:
 "You’re receiving this email because you’ve viewed Album Archive recently or you may have some content that is visible in Album Archive. Starting on July 19, 2023, Album Archive will no longer be available. Some content that’s only available in Album Archive will be deleted starting July 19. If you would like to access this data please make a copy of this data using Google Takeout."
 Album Archive? What the heck is that and how did my "content" get there? "Google Takeout"? Never heard of it. Does this mean all the photos in my posts are going to disappear? The big G did something like this before when they killed off Picasa and the associated web album interface. If this is anything like that, there's a bunch of "content" that's going to show up as blank space or broken link icons. As our avatar caption says, inquiring minds wanted to know. 
 After several hours of fruitless googling (ha! the irony!) we finally came across a just-posted answer of sorts in a community support forum. It assuaged our fears somewhat, but just to make sure we used the aforementioned Google Takeout and downloaded what was there to copy. And here are the images in time lapse form...things you might have seen on TSG:

1 comment:

Parm said...

Ugh. Hope all is, and remains, well.

The Baja Brigade website (remember that?) was sponsored, freely, by Microsoft, until it wasn't. Just, poof. The only hint of its ever existing (that I know of) are a few pages that the Wayback Machine site decided to store.

The stream of images was very TSGish, by the way. Nice. And my brain picked up, noticeably subliminally, a "BB" or two.