Wednesday, February 22, 2023

The SF Skirmish

From the archives: Images from the Vietnam War Protest held in Union Square that we encountered on a high school day trip with the Senior Scholastic Club



Parm said...


After my time, of course.

Quite the field trip. What were you actually supposed to be seeing/visiting?

And, concerned people want to know - what's the deal with the horse? Lying down on a sidewalk in an urban setting doesn't read like typically equine behavior.

W. "For What It's Worth" Biscuit said...

The day trip to Frisco was a perk of being in the Scholastic Society (pretty much the reason I signed up) We got a bus ride Ghirardelli Square and were let loose to do whatever we wanted for 6 hours or so. A couple of us hopped a cable car downtown and ended up (quite innocently enough) in the middle of the demonstration.

Right after we arrived the police ordered everyone out of Union Square and chaos ensued. We were chased by ranks of cops marching 4 or 5 abreast on the the sidewalk while the mounted patrol dealt with protesters in the street. The horse on the sidewalk (the oldest one on the force at the time) died of stress and exhaustion in the middle of the fray.

Parm said...

That "rest of the story" for the horse is rather anger inducing. For pete's sake. Come on, people.

If you really want to get into a lather, check out how horses served (or were served up) in WWI.