Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Another Nice Day In The Sierra Nevada

Middle Fork Stanislaus River / Tuolumne County CA

(Apologies for the "portrait" mode, the scene just fit better that way) 

Interesting note: when the original 27-second video was uploaded to youtube, it was auto-flagged and published in the newly-established "short" category (clip under 30 seconds).  Apparently the "short" label raised the video's visibility by an order of magnitude; it got over 1000 views overnight. (Or maybe the title of the clip attracted views?)

 Anywho, we felt the clip seemed to be a little abrupt so we edited it to run 25% slower.  So now the updated video runs 36 seconds and is no longer a "short".  We're curious to see if the change will impact the number of views going forward.


1 comment:

Parm said...

Mighty purrty at any speed.

And nary a wildfire in sight.