Thursday, September 8, 2022

The Longest [Thermometer] Days

In meteorological-speak, the "length" of a thermometer describes the difference between the low and high temperatures of a given area over a certain period of time. So, when there is a big temperature swing say, between noon and 3PM, the thermometer for that afternoon would be characterized as being "long". Such was the case this week when TSG took a couple of "cool-off" cruises along the coast between Santa Cruz and Pacifica. 

Below are the low and high car dash outside temp readings on our drives. While we can't attest to the accuracy of the thermometer in terms of the "real" temperature, the 40 degree-plus differential was certainly real enough. 





Parm said...

Ugh, TSG. Those are gnarly temps for the SJ area. I remember 100+ days in my youth there, but I think those recorded temps are a good 13 degrees or so hotter. Uff da.

Willard "Dry heat or not, it's just HOT" Biscuit said...

Yeah, I don't think I've ever experience this kind of heat outside of Death Valley. Whatever the "reason" for the triple-digit temps and the implications for the wilder world might be, my self-centered concern of the moment is wondering if my PG&E bill might be a triple-digit amount as well. (The highest bill I've ever had was $69 during an earlier heat wave)