Thursday, July 21, 2022

A Candidate We Can Get Behind

Seen on I-40, Weatherford OK
It's probably safe to say she would be on the ticket for the Rock 'n' Roll Party.


Parm said...

"And if I am elected
I promise the formation of a new party
A third party, the Wild Party!
I know we have problems,
We got problems right here in Central City,
We have problems on the North, South, East and West,
New York City, Saint Louis, Philadelphia, Los Angeles, Detroit, Chicago,
Everybody has problems,
And personally, I don't care."

Yeah, I know, not Joan. But what the heck, seemed amusingly appropriate.

yawndave said...

The "Wild" Party, huh? Wow, talk about a case of misheard lyrics! I must have heard that song 100 times over the years and always thought it was "World" Party. In my defense, the vocal is a bit low in the mix at that point in the song and I don't think the lyrics were included in the liner notes. (but I do remember the billion-dollar bill insert)

Side note: there's a chance that the Joan Jett being endorsed in the photo is Joan Jett Blakk, who is described on her wiki page entry as "a globally recognized activist, political candidate, and drag queen".

Parm said...

Now that you mention it, yeah, I, too, always heard "world" instead of "wild."

And who's to say it isn't "world?" The person who put those lyrics together might be wrong, or AC might have simply sung the original "wild" lyric as "world" when recording.

I think the current vote is 2 to nothing in favor of "world."