Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Retired But Can't Get Away From The Office

 One of the things about being on the road is the utter sameness and dreckiness of the hotel TV offerings. More often than not, TSG drops back and punts to the seemingly endless marathon of The Office on Comedy Central or the Freeform Channel. Like meatloaf, the misadventures of the Scranton Dunder-Miflinites is a kind of video comfort food: familiar, inoffensive, and it doesn't lose a whole lot of appeal after being served up multiple times on a regular basis. 

On this trip though, the program has escaped the screen and made it out on to the street...and we're not sure how we feel about it. 


Parm said...

I'm that guy who has never watched The Office.

Dwight K. Schrute said...

Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Oh wait, that's a meme from a completely different long-running series with an ensemble cast. I
suppose a more appropriate (though admittedly pretty non-sequitur-ish) reply would probably be "That's what she said" :-)