Monday, March 28, 2022

Don't Have A [Humongous Holstein] Cow, Man!

Behold Salem Sue, the oversized bovine mascot of New Salem, ND

From the official Salem Sue webpage:

Situated on School Hill between the city of New Salem and I-94 Highway, the cow (38 feet high and 50 feet long, weight 12,000 lbs) is visible for 5 miles. It was built for the New Salem Lions Club by Sculpture Mfg. Co. of LaCrosse, Wisconsin, transported to New Salem in 3 parts and erected under the direction of Dave Oswald, artist, on New Salem Park District lands. The total cost of the project was approximately $40,000 contributed by dairymen, farmers, businessmen, dairy industry and residents of the area.

It's purpose is to honor and advertise the dairymen of our area, their superior herds and the production of high quality milk.


Parm said...

I can truly think of no better monument to honor the contributors.

Well, maybe I could, but I'm too polite to expound upon them here.

The cow is impressive. As for the view . . . of a number of unremarkable farms . . . well, maybe that's less impressive.

Perhaps in the winter time they could use that hill for tubing.

Willard "Moooooovin' On" Biscuit said...

As far as the view goes, it's a whole(stein) lot better than what you can see through the windshield on that stretch of I-94. At least until you get to the giant flock of geese (to the west) or the giant bison (to the east)

Parm said...

So, this truly is a land of giant things.