Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Things You Might See On The Sky Trail



Parm said...

Good pix. Your version of the classic "look straight up at the tall trees surrounding me" field of view is especially worthy. And that top plan view of the 'shroom cap, the one with the . . . evil distorted face? . . . is quite nasty in an amusing way.

yawndave said...

This was my first chance to hike the Sky Trail--my favorite spot in Pt Reyes--since the big fires in the park last year. The trail skirts the very edge of the effected area and the damage is pretty extensive. That's not a black & white filter that makes the trees look the way they do--they're burnt. Along with the trees, the previously lush understory has suffered a lot of damage but there are fresh shoots of green sprouting out all over, which is a very good thing indeed.