Friday, June 18, 2021

Elvis: Pull My Finger!

Tupelo, MS

A photo pose that we're sure no-one else has ever thought of before. 
p.s.-- If you decide to hit Johnnie's, The King's old hangout for a bite to eat, a head's up should you have a hankerin' for a hot dog: don't be surprised when they serve it "Johnnie's style" and it shows up in a hamburger bun. 



Parm said...

Huh. I thought it was the Beatles who offered up "I Want to Hold Your Hand."

Be great if that Elvis statue were interactive and responded as you might wish/expect upon pulling that offered finger. Probably be more popular as a tourist attraction. I would suggest that the corresponding noises be plentiful, random, and rather loud (with various durations being a plus).

I've done hot dogs in hamburger buns, for sure. Didn't know I was appropriating Johnny's intellectual property. I've also done Sloppy Joe in hot dog buns.

W. "Hound Dog" Biscuit said...

I think "Thank you, thank you very much" would be all you need for Elvis to say in response to a finger pull.

Parm said...

How do you spell RELIEF? P-u-l-l-m-y-f-i-n-g-e-r