Thursday, February 4, 2021

Say Wren

Troglodytes pacificus
Hangin' out on the Devil's Slide Trail
San Mateo County, CA


Alley Parm Oop said...

You KNOW I'm going to say it, right? Well, OK, I will. "Troglodyte???"
This bird does what, build its nests in caves or something?

Willard "Christopher" Biscuit said...

Well, I guess small crevices--where they shelter and hunt for insects-- count as tiny caves, that's what I gather. Wrens are cool little birds, I like their vocalizations, especially the cascading trill of the canyon wren and the bzzzt bzzzt bzzzt that house wrens make when they're flitting around in the undergrowth.

Parm said...

Bird song and bird sounds are, indeed, very worthy.