Sunday, November 22, 2020

Incomplete List Of Stars Who Never Stayed @ The Movie Manor Motel...

...and the room numbers they didn't stay in


Parm said...

Interesting place, and as a BW, right up your alley.

I looked them up to read more. I see they are very near the Monte Vista National Wildlife Refuge, which perhaps is why you stayed there? Also about an hour from the Dunes - now there's an interesting place for people to run about.

Willard "Pass the popcorn" Biscuit said...

I originally became aware the Movie Manor on our trip to Lake City. The idea of watching a drive in movie from my hotel room seemed exceedingly cool to me, and staying there had been on my bucket list ever since.

The reality proved to be rather disappointing. Without going into details, let's just say I wouldn't recommend staying there for any reason other than just saying you did so.