Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Third Rock-Related Post In A Row

Painted pebbles courtesy of the young artists of Willow Glen 


Rocky & Parmwinkle said...

Nice. Leaving painted rocks out in the "wild" is very much a thing around these parts. That said, I don't recall seeing any multi-rock presentations. An impressive upgrade in the art form.

W. "Pictographs in da 'hood" Biscuit said...

The current situation has had at least one positive benefit--a general increase in neighborhood street art. I had hoped to gather more examples for this week's post, but the air quality has been pretty awful and prevented me from venturing farther afield.

Parm said...

Sorry about that air, man. Know what that's (cough) like. We've been really fortunate in those regards around here so far this season.