Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Raven Digging For Sand Crabs

(Chomped-on sandcrab can be seen next to raven's foot in last photo)


parm said...

Good bird pix, TSG.

Gotta say, it's a tough row to hoe, being a sand crab. What, by the way, does a sand crab dine on?

W. "Mr Krabs" Biscuit said...

According to our sources, sand crabs consume plankton and detritus in the swash zone. Fun sand crab fact: under their own power, they can only move backwards.

Mr. Green Jeans Parm said...

Good grief. So, to reiterate, it's a tough row to hoe being a sand crab. Although, I guess hoeing while backing up is more the norm, right?