Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Things You Might See In Ft. Smith AR


Parm said...

Geez, on balance, kind of a creepy place. That shrew-like thing, holding its tail (I think. I hope.) is especially wrong. I did like the Bob’s Big Boy in the background wearing a mask like he’s Batman’s sidekick.

W. "Hangin' Round" Biscuit said...

Actually, Fort Smith is a pretty interesting place. It was the edge of the frontier back in the day, home to a big army base, and full of outlaw types and the site of more hangings than just about anywhere else in the country.(The famous "Hanging Judge" Parker presided over 160 executions) Nowadays the city, as illustrated here, has an active arts community whose work is only partially depicted here.

Parm said...

Creepy past, creepy art.