Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Not Quite Our Old School

Growing up in San Diego, TSG attended sixth grade at a brand-new elementary school named for Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier de Lafayette. At the time, the school made a big deal of its namesake, with an assembly featuring assorted presentations by the new students honoring the French aristocrat who fought on our side during the American Revolution. Memories of those days came flooding back as we came across this statue in front of the old high school building during a meander around Fayette WV (recently named one of the "coolest small towns" in America). 


Parm said...

That's quite a handle. Were he alive today, his "user name" might be longer in length than his password, right?

Willard "WB" Biscuit said...

I suppose he could've used MJPYRGDMDL, but even that would be a bit unwieldy, one supposes.