Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Sailless Boat, Mono Lake

As seen from a viewpoint along CA 395

Ah, Mono Lake; stolen by LA, home of brine shrimp,
2nd largest California Gull rookery and the famous tufas. 
Also the scene of one of TSG top-10 sunsets of all time. 
(From the back of a pickup truck, no less)


ed said...

the other top ten sunsets?

Depressed Parm said...

I'm sorry, but all those accolades notwithstanding, that glassy lake and obviously windless conditions, coupled with that moored sailboat that ain't going anywhere, is powerfully saddening. Like a PhD graduate who can't find a job. Like a brilliant athlete whose country has just been permanently banned from the Olympics. Like a brilliant surgeon who specialty disease is now cured by a pill.

W. "Mano a Mono" Biscuit said...

Well, to be fair to Mono Lake, it does get sufficiently windy there to propel a boat such as the one pictured. Trouble is, it gets TOO windy there.

Re: top sunsets...a couple right off the top of my head would be ones seen from Kalaloch Beach in Olympic NP and the Mitchell Caverns Campground in the Mojave Desert.