Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Bon Appetit (Now With Bonus Picnic Pic!)

Update w/bonus content:

While we're on the topic of dining options, here's a shot taken on the May Roadtrip last year. It was pretty close to a perfect moment. We'll call it "Lunch At Split Mountain". (One thing the image can't convey is the susurrus of the Green River flowing by just beyond the greenery in the middle distance)


Elaine said...

I am hungry...

Parm said...

And for "Best Sign," the award goes to Picasso's Tapas.

Parm said...

The bonus view is, for sure, très cool. But even better is the word "susurrus." That word is new to me. By its usage I kind of guessed its meaning, and I was delighted to confirm that with a dictionary. Actually, the delight goes a bit deeper, because part of sussing outs its meaning was the sound of the word itself in context with the sentence. Though perhaps not a literal onomatopoeia, it is close enough for government work.


yawndave said...

Besides the glorious view, the tasty repast(PB&J on an english muffin w/fully dressed Ruffles)and the susurrus of the river,there was another factor that added to the "perfect moment" status...a brief interaction with some young National Park visitors.

As I was soaking it all in, a couple of young girls (8 or 9, perhaps?) approached and politely asked if it was okay to walk past my picnic spot to access the trail that led to the river. "Absolutely!" I replied.

A few minutes later they came back and I asked "So, is there anything cool down there?"

"Yeah! You can see the whole river and the mountain!"

Their politeness and enthusiasm was a nice bit of icing on my Dinosaur National Park perfect moment.

Elaine said...


When they are in their teens they will ask, Is it worth it?

Parm said...

When they are teens, they won't look at it unless they can see it on their phone screens, maybe.