Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Atomic Stuff

Small sampling of the very impressive collection 
at the
 National Museum of Nuclear Science & History



The Atomic Parm said...

A bizarre, odd, but very cool collection.

I remember well that movie The Atomic Kid starring Mickey Rooney. I watched it as a daytime matinee movie sometime around 1963, when I stayed home from school one day with a flu or whatever. Only about 10 years old, I was fascinated, and disturbed, by the scenes in that movie of what happened to the fake town when the atom bomb test went off (real footage from a real test). The movie was actually kind of light hearted if I recall correctly, but those scenes were pretty disturbing.

W. "Blix" Biscuit said...

I'm pretty sure I have a DVD copy of The Atomic Kid at home (it might have been donated in last year's movie clean-out). Always good to watch, especially when eating peanut butter sandwiches.

"The Atomic" Parm said...

The memories of that flick actually conjure up thoughts of bean soup for me. But peanut butter would be a good substitute.