Friday, May 8, 2015

A Gang Of Monkey Wrenches

One small corner of the amazingly huge assortment of neat stuff at The Antique Powerland Museums in Brooks, Oregon. This is just one of many lifetime collections of hardware-related stuff to be found in the sprawling 42 acre site. 


Monkey Man Parm said...

Very nice. And, I don't mean to throw a wrench into your accolades, but I note in passing that such a collection pales in comparison to, say, a nice collection of souvenir pencils and pens . . . .

That said, man, what a bunch of wrenches! My first reaction was, no way - there have to be duplicates in there. My second thought was, well, perhaps over time such a collection might actually be incomplete . . . .

yawndave said...

I'm not sure, but there may have been a collection of writing implements on display at this place. As noted, Antique Powerland is a sprawling 42-acre site with multiple buildings full of things mechanical. I was the only visitor that day and got the VIP treatment...I was driven around the grounds in a golf cart and got a personal tour of each of the main buildings by the docent/volunteers. Quite a different experience than one would have if they visited during the annual Oregon Steam-Up when 40,000 people or so show up for the festivities.