Sunday, January 13, 2013

An Ice Time

TSG isn't ashamed to admit that we're pretty damn wimpy when it comes to outdoor activities in the cold (possibly due to our thin Californian blood?) 44 degrees isn't our idea of prime hiking weather but the sun was out--so we hit the trail for a couple of hours and got some interesting pics of mud puddles in the bargain.


Quinn (the Eskimo) said...

44 degrees is AWESOME hiking weather!!! 35 is even better!! (I am presuming, of course, that we're not talking hiking in blustery winds . . .)

Nice images. Little cool (literally, I guess) ice shards and such.

W. "Mister Cool" Biscuit said...

Well, just walking around in 35-degree weather is fine, but hoofing it uphill for a couple of miles makes some people kinda (?)sweaty. Even wearing layers doesn't help when your base layer is soaking wet. At least my feet were fairly toasty this time out--thank Og for multiple pairs of Smartwool socks!